Land Access Project
We are currently running a land access pilot project, supported by the Landworkers’ Alliance and the DEFRA New Entrant Support Scheme. The aim of this pilot project is to match new entrant farmers with landowners in the area (both private landowners and public bodies who own land).
New entrants face many barriers to getting started on the land, and land access is a huge part of this. Land prices have increased so significantly that many people cannot afford to buy land, yet accessing a secure tenancy can be really difficult.
We have had almost 100 people express interest in land for food production over the last 6 years, but had few opportunities to match them with. Therefore we are doing a public call out for land – to both public bodies, but also private landowners in the area. We are asking people to consider renting portions of land – it could be anything from a half acre plot in an urban setting, to a 10 acre field in the outskirts of Bristol!
LANDOWNERS: Please get in touch or complete our short landowners survey here, and help a new entrant with the opportunity to get started in farming. By making your land available you could be directly contributing to a fairer food system, creating local jobs and increasing food security at this crucial time.
LAND-SEEKERS If you are a new entrant looking for land, we have updated the land-seekers survey, so please complete here.
Land-Matching Event – 23/04/23
This land access project will culminate in an event on Sunday 23rd April 2023, bringing together both land-seekers and landowners in an attempt to find some suitable matches! The event will take place in the John James Room, 2-5pm at Windmill Hill City Farm in Bedminster. To reserve a free place, please visit our eventbrite page.
For more information, please contact Harley on