Helping producers get their food to market and be paid a fair price for it

Market Opportunities for Producers

We have put together a report detailing the routes to market in Bristol for local producers. There are a lot of different options; from direct to customer sales to restaurants, retailers to distribution organisations. To help producers decide which is right for them, we’ve collated all the information in a single place. You can read the document here.

You can also look at the Sell Your Produce section of our Resource Directory to learn more about the options available.

Collaborative Distribution Report

This report aims to explore how a ‘shared distribution scheme’ could help to increase the volume and accessibility of local food in Bristol, to ensure increased access to affordable good food. It looks at the existing systems in Bristol which link producers with consumers and assess’ the challenges and opportunities for setting up a new shared delivery logistics scheme.

Shared Distribution Report with Appendices Nov 15 (pdf: 43 pages)

Producer Briefing Paper: Distribution and Marketing Options (pdf: 3 pages) This briefing paper is a summary of many of the distribution and marketing options currently available to small producers in Bristol. Don’t start from scratch – use this paper to get a head start!

Bristol Food Brand Feasibility Study

This report proposes a new local food brand for use on produce sold within the city, from within 50 miles of Bristol, informed by sustainability principles and criteria. The study examines various aspects of the feasibility of a brand and how it might be implemented.

Bristol Food Brand Feasibility Study Nov 15 (pdf: 34 pages)