These resources can help you with finding land for your growing enterprise, and forming partnerships with land owners.



There are a number of options when looking for land in and around Bristol.

We put any opportunities we are aware of on our Land Opportunities list, which we aim to update regularly. 

Bristol City Council have a number of smallholdings and pieces of land around the city. They are currently undergoing a piece of strategy work around their land, so the best solution right now is to fill in our survey and we will let you know when they are accepting applications. 

Estate Agents such as David James sometimes advertise land for rent so it is worth speaking to some local agents to see if they have anything available.

The Great Project in Gloucestershire have an Access to Land page listing land opportunities.


The best place to look for land is through estate agencies.


General Resources

Community Land Advisory Service (CLAS)
An impartial, collaborative advisory service aiming to increase community access to land across the UK. Includes resources such as information on Leases and Licenses.

Fringe Farming project
The Fringe Farming project is a collaboration with partners across the UK to understand barriers, identify land opportunities and local actions, and develop national policy to enable agroecological farming at the edge of cities as part of a green economic recovery. Read our Bristol briefing here.

Mapping land for food
A project by the Urban Agriculture Consortium looking at how we can use mapping to help make land accessible or deliver on a particular aim.

New Models for Farm Succession
A new project from a consortium led by Stir to Action and Shared Assets working with family farm owners and community food initiatives to explore how family farmland can be part of long-term efforts to create more food security in the UK, through selling or transferring to local co-operatives.

Establishing Good Communication Channels
A useful document from Tamar Grow Local about how to establish good communication channels between Owners and Renters.

For Landseekers

Guidebook for land seekers
An online guide to finding and acquiring land for growing projects. Published by Incredible Edible Somerset.

The Land Partnerships Handbook
This practical and thought-provoking handbook sets out practical and constructive ways to:

  • Make land partnerships happen
  • Unlock the potential of land and of budding entrepreneurs
  • Encourage and explore new forms of land tenure
  • Use existing models more imaginatively

Tools for investigating land ownership
Useful resources from Who Owns England.

Strategic Business Plan Guide
A helpful guide from Farming Connect on producing a business plan.

For Landowners

Guidebook for land owners
An online guide for land owners, explaining how to make land available for community groups. Published by Incredible Edible Somerset.

Do you have vacant land?
An article looking at how you can turn vacant land into business innovation, and the benefits for both growers but the landowner too.

Landowners Survey
Please complete and help us find some matches for our land-seekers.

Legal issues

Finding land to grow food
A guide to the legal issues for community groups. Key issues to consider before you buy, lease or otherwise gain access to land. Produced by Community Council of Devon.

Understanding barriers to land

Jumping Fences report
A new report presenting research on the experiences of Black and People of Colour (BPOC) in the British farming and land-based sectors.