Raising money for your local food enterprise

Download guidance on raising money through community investment:

The practitioner’s guide to community shares (pdf download 1MB)
A comprehensive manual from specialist Jim Brown.

Community investment (pdf download)
Fact sheet on how to raise money – through the sale of community shares or bonds – to finance enterprises serving a community purpose.

Financing community food: securing money to help community food enterprises to grow
A report which the funding needs of community food enterprises and how food can achieve a wide variety of social and environmental benefits.

Funding a community enterprise with community shares (pdf download 2.6MB)
How to raise money – through the sale of community shares or bonds – to finance enterprises serving a community purpose. Published by Plunkett Foundation.

Raising the funds to finance your community enterprise e-book (pdf download 1.9MB)
A useful overview of different types of funding and how to access them.