Bristol Food Producers, Feeding Bristol and Bristol Food Network call for regional leadership on food systems change.

With the upcoming election for the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Mayor on Thursday 1 May, three organisations leading on food systems change – Bristol Food ProducersFeeding Bristol and Bristol Food Network – are calling on candidates to commit to building a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system for the region. 

The next Mayor will have a critical role in shaping how food is produced, distributed and accessed across the West of England. With 150,000 residents currently living in deprived communities and struggling to access nutritious, climate and nature-friendly food, urgent action is needed. Sustainable food systems support economic growth, job creation, environmental resilience and public health, making food policy a key issue for regional governance. 

The Manifesto’s Five Key Asks for the New Administration: 

  1. Strategic Review of Food Access: Conduct a region-wide assessment of food access to inform spatial development strategies, ensuring that food accessibility is embedded in planning, development and the management of council-owned agricultural land. 
  2. Evaluation of St Phillips Market Potential Closure & Development of a Regional Food Hub: Ahead of any closure of St Phillips Fruit and Veg Market, consider proposals that facilitate the collection, storage and distribution of local food to ensure a thriving future for SMEs in the wholesale sector.
  3. Unlock and Simplify Funding Access: Improve access to funding for initiatives addressing health inequalities and climate change impacts through food systems, with particular support for small, community-led organisations. 
  4. Collaborate on a Regional Food Plan: Engage with civil society, businesses and community groups to co-develop a Regional Food Plan that strengthens supply chain infrastructure and improves food resilience. 
  5. Support Careers in Sustainable Food: Invest in training, career development and business support for those entering the sustainable local food sector, fostering new green job opportunities and supporting SMEs. 

Read the Manifesto For Sustainable Food For All

Why This Matters

These actions align with WECA’s strategic priorities as outlined in the West of England Strategic Framework, a regional strategy that defines the vision for the West of England and sets the course for its development by 2040. Priorities include tackling the climate and ecological emergency, fostering green jobs, investing in sustainable communities and improving public health. By embedding food systems thinking into regional planning, we can create: 

  • Increased access to sustainable, healthy food for all: Reducing food insecurity through better spatial planning and investment in food access initiatives. 
  • Stronger regional economic growth: Supporting local food businesses and keeping money circulating in the local economy. 
  • Skills and training for a green workforce: Addressing barriers to entry in farming and sustainable food careers while building pathways for young people. 
  • A greener, more resilient West of England: Reducing food miles, supporting nature recovery and strengthening climate resilience. 
  • Better health outcomes: Reducing diet-related illness and improving overall well-being through access to nutritious food. 

A Call for Commitment 

We urge all WECA mayoral candidates to commit to these Five Key Asks and take action to build a thriving, sustainable and resilient food system for the West of England. We also invite other organisations to endorse the manifesto and join us in driving meaningful change.  

Read the Manifesto For Sustainable Food For All

Organisations AND INDIVIDUALS supporting the Manifesto

  • Dr. Angelina Sanderson Bellamy, Prof. of Food Systems at the University of the West of England
  • Middle Ground Growers CIC
  • We Are Avon
  • Pollinate Avon
  • Avon Farm Cluster
  • Weston Spring Farm
  • The Assemblies (The Canteen, No.1 Harbourside and Old Market Assembly)
  • Better Food

If you would like to add your support, please contact Ped Asgarian at